3D CAD design

The Supertek team creates the interface between your idea and the production of functional components, machines and systems and the high level of specialist expertise of our engineers, designers, technicians and lateral thinkers.


Using the latest 3D CAD systems and programs, such as Autodesk Inventor® or Solid Works® , we and our design service plan and design your customised components and equipment in detail. All components, component machines and systems can also be calculated, simulated and displayed in 3D. The transfer of data enables the production of components with the latest CNC production machines or 3D printing processes. With Supertek you not only have an engineering and design consultancy but a comprehensive implementation of your idea to the finished product, component, equipment, machine and system up to the whole production line - all from one source.



3D-CAD and original of a winder made by Supertek
3D-CAD and original of a control panel made by Supertek


If no standardised machine can solve your special problem, then we are the right contact with our special machine construction and special machines. This not only includes the design of special machines but also the development of innovative systems, mechatronic components, electromagnetic drives, circuit boards, microcontrollers, PLCs, control cabinet construction, sensors and electric motors and installing them efficiently and economically.


We can also show you clearly the logistical integration of the systems and machines at the point of use, such as in your production hall.


Supertek will provide you with the whole range of feasibility studies, calculations and analyses, project planning, prototype construction, production, assembly and commissioning.


Supertek is your competent partner for implementing your idea up to the finished product with all the conditions of the currently applicable directives and standards.